Vencing Video Arbitrage (FVAR)
Outstanding tool for fencing referees
Customizable picture quality, fow-angle, recording speed (frames per second), zoom and playing speed.
Auto-replay function.
Storaging all videos locally and export with customizable quality.
Performed on Windows-based notebooks it is suitable to work with wide range of cameras including wide-lenses.
Outstanding tool for fencing referees
Customizable picture quality, fow-angle, recording speed (frames per second), zoom and playing speed.
Auto-replay function.
Storaging all videos locally and export with customizable quality.
Performed on Windows-based notebooks it is suitable to work with wide range of cameras including wide-lenses.
Outstanding tool for fencing referees
Customizable picture quality, fow-angle, recording speed (frames per second), zoom and playing speed.
Auto-replay function.
Storaging all videos locally and export with customizable quality.
Performed on Windows-based notebooks it is suitable to work with wide range of cameras including wide-lenses.